Improve Your Biology Grades With This Revolutionary Study Platform

Join thousands of Biology students enhancing their knowledge retention, boosting test scores, and saving study time with Explain Learning.
The Power of Explain Learning for Biology Students

The Power of Explain Learning for Biology Students

Biology students often grapple with the complexity of understanding intricate concepts ranging from molecular structures to vast ecosystems. The voluminous content, detailed diagrams, and the need for rote memorization present unique challenges that can be overwhelming. Explain Learning addresses these hurdles head-on by offering a collaborative, peer-based study platform that transforms the learning experience.

With features such as customizable flashcards for efficient memorization, shared class notes with the ability to import pictures and text, and split-screen functionality for real-time collaboration, students can break down complex topics into manageable chunks. Furthermore, the platform's sharing folders and screen-sharing capabilities facilitate group work and problem-solving, ensuring that students can learn from each other and tackle difficult concepts together. Whether studying in-person or remotely, Explain Learning knits groups together, making biology study sessions more interactive, engaging, and ultimately, more effective in improving grades and knowledge retention.

explain learning

Key Features and Benefits

Class Notes with Multimedia Integration

Class Notes with
Multimedia Integration

Simplify Your Study Sessions - Upload notes from class directly into the Explain Learning platform and dissect them together with your study group.

Split Screen and Sharing Features

Split Screen and
Sharing Features

Collaborate and Excel - Turn your assignments into an open book test by sharing your docs and using the split screen feature.


Flashcards for “R & R”
(Repetition & Retention)

Divide and Conquer Your Study Material - Flash cards are a tried and true proven method of retaining more knowledge in a shorter amount of time through short managed sessions.

Screen Sharing

Screen Sharing For
Real Time Problem Solving

Solving Problems Together Is Way Easier! Just share your screen and reduce time explaining things and exchanging hard notes.

Tutor Group Integration

Tutor Group

Got A Tutor? They Can Come Too! We welcome tutors with open arms to use our platform as a tool to expedite and increase efficiency.


In-Person or Remote

Study Anytime, Anywhere.


Testimonials and Data-Driven Results

“This is my secret sauce that allowed me to work circles around my class. I was really struggling there for a while but EL has been a massive help with all of it’s tools, can’t recommend it enough.”

Amar S.

“For 4 bucks this platform has paid for itself 10x over now and I can’t believe our institutions haven’t provided us something like this already.”

Hannah M.

“It’s simple, easy to use, and has been a huge help for me in actually grasping the information I needed to pass my classes, I love how effortless it was to get my class mates to all get in and start working together.”

Ricky O.

But What Does the Data Say?

4 Out of 5 College Students Say Digital Learning Technology Helps Improve Their Grades

2024 has kicked off and students are increasingly looking to get maximum value out of their higher education experience, and they view digital learning technology as a key tool for achieving that success, a new survey of college students in associates, bachelors and graduate programs shows.

The report shows that four out of five (81 percent) college students find digital learning technology to be helpful in improving their grades, and more than two-thirds (69 percent) feel that digital learning technology helps them to focus. Adaptive learning technology and online quizzes are seen to be the most impactful, with half of students who have used them reporting that they have a "major effect" on their grades.

REPORT HIGHLIGHTS: The survey of more than 3,300 college students shows that a majority of students now embrace digital learning technology for its ability to help them:
 Improve grades
Improve their grades
Improve efficiency
Improve their efficiency
and effectiveness
Improve focus
Improve their focus
  • Students want to save time! They value eBooks and adaptive courseware for their time-saving features and mobile accessibility. Faculty want ease of integration with their learning management systems, and embedded adaptive technology courseware.
  • More than half of instructors think digital technology has helped improve student grades (59%) and helped them to teach new concepts (51%).
  • Nearly half of students say digital learning technology influences which classes they take – an increase from about 40% in a similar survey in 2017.
  • 41% of student respondents said they are currently taking a course that uses Inclusive Access to deliver their digital materials by the first day of class. Students who have used Inclusive Access like it. 67% say they prefer acquiring materials via Inclusive Access, with the top benefits being convenience and first-day access.
how it works

A Step-by-Step Guide

Signing Up
Signing Up
Joining a Study Group
Joining a Study Group
Creating Flashcards
Creating Flashcards
Uploading Images
Uploading Images to The Platform
Screen Sharing
Screen Sharing
Where to Access The Share Folder
Where to Access The Share Folder
Explain is a new way to study for your hardest classes, especially Biology, by talking about doc's and pic's on your computer in a study group with study buddies after class.
Get electronic Study Group features like these:
Organize your pics, docs and flashcards from all of your classes' groups, in main and inner folders.
Compile daily class notes with friends; with hand written notes, computer written notes, and smartphone pictures copy and pasted to your one daily doc.
Wisely do your homework as a group, to share smarts, and base it from your memory and your class notes; to print and hand in, and save on the site.
Use an intuitive flashcards module in which you can split up the work, and study any time for terms for your hardest classes, and for the SAT.
Make Study Guides that you quickly cut and paste from all of your saved documents so you have more time to study exactly what is going to be on the test.
Link up groups in your class to each answer each others' stumper questions.
Scan and print out papers until they're right. 10 page papers are hard to write the first go around. Now learn by helping one another correct, rewrite, motivate, and stay on course until your paper is ready to hand in.
Save all your data for later review and study again, to stay on top in your career.

Now, have these systematic and organized ways to collaborate with friends, and you can stay on-track, and in control, until the end, and earn a good grade, even with hard courses like Biology.


Invite Your Friends and Colleagues